
European Animation Competition "An animated EUphoria"


Organizing an animation competition for Eleusis 2021 in collaboration with Animasyros.

This was a proposal submitted by Mentor to the Eleusis 2021 / European Capital of Culture and the Animasyros International Animation Festival. The goal of the collaboration was to establish a European Animation Competition called “An animated EUphoria” that would attempt to visualize the motto that encapsulates the core message of Eleusis 2021 (“Transition to EUphoria”) through animation.

The competition was launched in the summer of 2019 and promoted the message of Eleusis 2021 at a European and international level. It also introduced the general public to the goals, as well as the artistic vision and programme of Eleusis 2021 / European Capital of Culture in a clear and unambiguous way.

The artistic team of Animasyros has extensive know-how and experience in the art of animation and curated the technical and creative aspects of the competition. The top 3 animations received cash prizes and were screened during the 12th Animasyros International Animation Festival in Syros in September 2019.

Effie Pappa // Transition to EUphoria (1st prize)
Babis Alexiadis // Other (2nd prize)
Alexandros Simopoulos & Josef Kloos // Transition to EUphoria (3rd prize)