
“Get to know the city” (of Eleusis)

Cultural Events

Routes inspired by the rich cultural heritage of Eleusis. During the second annual “Culture 2030” Meeting hosted by Eleusis 2021 / European Capital of Culture, Mentor, an Eleusis-based culture & heritage management company, designed and implemented six thematic routes inspired by the rich heritage of Eleusis.

“Get to Know the City” is a project that combines urban tours, meetings, presentations, and storytelling to draw attention to Eleusis’ cultural legacy and wealth, as well as the unique stories and activities of local residents and associations.

The first route, “Made in Eleusis”, brought the participants in touch with local creative entrepreneurs and individuals, so they would get a feel of the difficulties faced by those who wish to be creative outside a large urban area.

“Demeter vs the Titans” consisted of a walk by the sea, from Vlycha (site of many illegal shipbreaking yards) to the architecturally impressive manufacturing complex of Kronos, to highlight the industrial heritage and the disastrous environmental history of Eleusis.

The participants in “Saving Private Memory” explored the city’s urban core from the old harbour to the church of Agios Georgios and discovered the most important local landmarks and the people who defined the city’s history.

“The guardians of Lepsina” was an introductory route to the history and traditions of the Arvanites of Eleusis. The highlight of the event was a visit to the Eleusis Folklore Association “Adrachti”, where participants were able to taste traditional delicacies.

In the same spirit, “From Pontus to New Trabzon” was designed as a casual stroll through the “Russian”, a neighbourhood created by Pontic Greeks. This route included a visit to the “Pontic Association of Eleusis Nea Trapezounta” for an impromptu demonstration of the capacities of the pontic lyra and a taste of the inimitable pirozhki.

Finally, “Stories from the land of Crete” took the form of an evening spent in the company of the Cretans of Eleusis. The participants feasted on exclusive recipes from the Cretan cuisine (accompanied by the requisite raki) and enjoyed an impressive display of Cretan dances at the “Union of Cretans” (Enosis Kriton).