14/07/22 - 31/12/2023

ARVIP: Development of novel technologies and a new generation of digital applications for tourism and culture

Research Projects

The project "Interactive AI, AR, VR Platform for Heritage Cultural – ARVIP" is part of the larger initiative titled "Development of Innovative Technologies and Next-Generation Digital Applications in Tourism and Culture" (ARVIP). Its goal is to enhance the visitor experience through a multidimensional approach to cultural heritage monuments. This involves adopting cutting-edge technologies such as Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, GPS location tracking, digital interactive maps, among others. Additionally, the project incorporates a historiocentric approach through various subsystems, including personalised digital guided tours, thematic routes, and more, aiming to achieve a holistic approach to cultural heritage monuments.

Within the project's framework, an interactive platform for the display and promotion of cultural heritage was developed, utilising Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality technologies ( The individual applications and digital tools developed are designed to offer a comprehensive information framework for monuments and points of interest. This is achieved not through static means, but through interactive and bidirectional methods, aligning with contemporary methods and trends in cultural management and the rapidly growing field of digital culture. 

The ARVIP digital platform, along with its subsystems and applications, will be developed to leverage the high speeds and low latency of 5G networks, providing high-quality services to users.