
At MENTOR* we have been providing innovative cultural management and communication services since 2014, investing in the development of collaborations and the cultivation of a consultative relationship of trust with public and private institutions and professionals in the cultural and creative sector, as well as with the academic and research community in a nationally and internationally level.

We plan, coordinate, implement and support cultural, artistic and research projects that focus on:

sustainable development, through the promotion and exploitation of the intangible and material cultural stock and contemporary artistic creation,

➼ the fundamental right of participation in culture

➼ the public space,

➼ the new technologies,


participatory processes,

➼ and the eternal relationship between culture, art and society.


*The wise Mentor was a figure in the Homeric Odyssey to whom Odysseus entrusted the oversight of his home and the spiritual care of his son, Telemachus, while he was away in the Trojan War. In modern times, in all European languages, a mentor is a wise adviser and friend.